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  Male guitarist in shiny pants 0382 3D Model
Male guitarist in shiny pants 0382 3d model
Male guitarist in shiny pants 0382
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Model's Description:

Male guitarist in shiny pants 0382 3d model contains 499,982 polygons and 249,980 vertices.

We provide unique 3d scanned models with realistic proportions for closeup and medium-distance views in artworks, paintings and classes. As well as architectural visualization projects. Main features: high-end realistic 3d scanned model; realistic proportions; highest quality; low price; saves you time for more time in landscaping and interiors visualization. FEATURES 3d scanned model Extremely clean Edge Loops based smoothable symmetrical professional quality UV map high level of detail high resolution textures real-world scale system unit: cm TEXTURES Textural Resolution: 4096 x 4096 Color Map The model is suitable for stereolithography 3d printing The model is also ready for fullcolour 3d printing - Male guitarist in shiny pants 0382 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by 3DFarm
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  music   toy   singer   miniature   powder   posed   figurine   color   realistic   artist   printable   monochrome   song   stereolithography   guitarist   popularity   man   cjp   sdprint (c) 2017-2021