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  Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 5k Poly 3D Model
Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 5k Poly 3d model
Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 5k Poly
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Model's Description:

Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 5k Poly 3d model contains 10,008 polygons and 5,023 vertices.

Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 3D Model 5k Polygons Technical details: File formats included in the package are: FBX, OBJ, GLB, PLY, STL, ABC, DAE, BLEND, gLTF (generated), USDZ (generated) Native software file format: BLEND Polygons: 5,282 Vertices: 5,023 The model contains UV Map. The model is rigged and animated. 28 animations are included. Following formats contain rig and animation: BLEND, FBX, GLTF/GLB. Following animations are included: ( standard - 5 animations): idle, sit down & get up, eat, drink, write ( move - 2 animations): walk, run ( exercise - 6 animations): squat, pushup, sit up, crunch, bench press, bicycle riding ( swim - 4 animations): crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke ( kickboxing - 8 animations): jab punch, cross punch, lead hook, rear hook, lead uppercut, lead bodyshot, rear uppercut, rear bodyshot ( karate - 3 animations): front kick, sidekick, jumping kick - Male Body Base Mesh 28 Animations 5k Poly - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by 3DDisco
Model's Textures: (0)

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