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  Lytic Lesions of spine 3D Model
Lytic Lesions of spine 3d model
Lytic Lesions of spine
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Model's Description:

Lytic Lesions of spine 3d model contains 56,920 polygons and 28,478 vertices.

-the vertebra is divided anatomically into the vertebral body anteriorly and the neural arch posteriorly. The neural arch is composed of bilateral pedicles, pars interarticularis, and laminae; from the neural arch arise the spinous process, bilateral transverse processes, and bilateral superior and inferior articulating processes. These anatomic components are known collectively as the posterior elements of the vertebra. -Myeloma bone disease can result not only in fractures, but in pressure on the spinal cord (spinal cord compression), the need for surgery to prevent or repair broken bones, and/or the need for radiation treatments to the bone to control the myeloma and relieve pain. These are collectively known as “skeletal-related events.” Reference:- 1- 2- - Lytic Lesions of spine - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Ebers
Model's Textures: (3)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
Keywords:  body   organ   anatomy   bone   cancer   spine   lesion   pathology   tumor   disease   vertebral-column   ebers   human   bones   metastatic   lysis   spine_cord (c) 2017-2021