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  Lowpoly Pickup Truck 3D Model
Lowpoly Pickup Truck 3d model
Lowpoly Pickup Truck
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Model's Description:

Lowpoly Pickup Truck 3d model contains 213,768 polygons and 81,799 vertices.

STYLIZED LOWPOLY PICKUP TRUCK ASSET CREATED IN BLENDER 3.3.1 This Pickup Truck comes with a Cargo Load System created with Geometry Nodes. You can simply pick a Cargo Item from a specific Collection to load it on the truck. Flat shaded Low Poly Art! Vertices: 2.278 Faces: 2.175 Tris: 4.216 CARGO OBJECTS Barrel - 316 Verts Wooden Box - 189 Verts Pallet - 342 Verts (Can be loaded with Pallet Load Objects) Additional Objects can be added to the System. PALLET LOAD OBJECTS Parcel - 156 Verts Beverage Crate - 1.444 Verts (with Bottles) - 464 Verts (empty) Additional Objects can be added to the System. MATERIALS Materials for Eevee Render Engine included. Beverage Crate and Barrel Color randomly changing per Instance. Wood Color randomly variants in a specific Hue-Range per Instance. NOT APPLIED MODIFIERS Mirror Bevel Geometry Nodes: Truck Options Geometry Nodes: Cargo Loader Geometry Nodes: Pallet Loader ASSET Preview Image for Blender’s Asset Browser included
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  crate   pallet   barrel   pickup   miniature   cartoonish   flat-shaded   cargo   game-ready   eevee   randomness   low-poly-art   parcel   pickuptruck   low-poly   asset   lowpoly   blender3d   car   stylized   geometrynodes (c) 2017-2021