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  Low Poly Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent #7 3D Model
Low Poly Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent #7 3d model
Low Poly Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent #7
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Model's Description:

Low Poly Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent #7 3d model contains 165,274 polygons and 83,376 vertices.

Model 02: Hydrothermal vent A black smoker is a kind of hydrothermal vent that can be found on the ocean floor. It is a crack in the planet’s surface from which geothermally heated water comes out. Hydrothermal vents are commonly found near volcanically active places, areas where tectonic plates are moving apart, ocean basins, and hotspots. Hydrothermal vents are common on earth because it is both geologically active and has large amounts of water on its surface and within its crust. Common land types include hot springs, fumaroles and geysers. Can be used perfectly as atmospheric back-and-foreground models for deep sea 3d environments. Works also very well with kitbashing techniques Purchase of this model includes: 3d model and textures: Size: 34mb Format: .obj Vertices: 83.4k 1x5K ambient occlusion map 1x5K color map 1x5K curvature map 1x5K normal map 1x5K rougness map Any questions, feel free to contact me on - Low Poly Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent #7 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by jorisputteneers
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  film   plants   organic   white   underwater   growth   geology   shipwreck   wreck   deepsea   aircraft   nature   brine   erosion   vents   houdini   hydrothermal   underwaterarchaeology   methane   realitycapture   photogrammetry   3d   3dsmax   blender   lowpoly   low   poly   structure   ship   3dmodel   3dmodeling   sea   brinepools   hydrothermalvents   blacksmoker   whitesmoker   underwaterarcheology   aircraftwreck (c) 2017-2021