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  Low-Poly KAC SR-25 Delta-Force Carbine 3D Model
Low-Poly KAC SR-25 Delta-Force Carbine 3d model
Low-Poly KAC SR-25 Delta-Force Carbine
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Model's Description:

Low-Poly KAC SR-25 Delta-Force Carbine 3d model contains 11,936 polygons and 6,144 vertices.

This is the Knight’s Armament Company SR-25, a variant of the AR-15/AR-10 chambered in 7.62x51NATO. However, this specific weapon has a much shorter 16 inch barrel, as it is a variant specifically made for Delta-Force. If you need anything for it like a scope, suppressor or any other attachment, let me know, I’ll probably make it! 02/09/22: decreased tri count by 700, added improved stock - Low-Poly KAC SR-25 Delta-Force Carbine - Download Free 3D model by notcplkerry
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  carbine   762x51   special-forces   sr-25   military   designated-marksman-rifle   delta-force   308cal (c) 2017-2021