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  LOS ANGELES Police Headquarter 3D Model
LOS ANGELES Police Headquarter 3d model
LOS ANGELES Police Headquarter
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Model's Description:

LOS ANGELES Police Headquarter 3d model contains 9,685 polygons and 5,401 vertices.

LAPD Headquarter LAPD Headquarters, at corner of E 1st Street and S Main Street. The new LAPD headquarters in downtown LA, open in October 2017. The building, erected at a cost of $437 million, will have 2,300 police officers and staff working there. The 500,000 square foot, 10-story building was designed by AECOM (formerly DMJM) and includes a 400-seat auditorium for community meetings, a restaurant, and multiple public spaces including a memorial park to slain police officers on the roof of the restaurant. Created and adapted for the game “Cities Skylines” - LOS ANGELES Police Headquarter - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by luminou_CS (@luminou)
Model's Textures: (4)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
Keywords:  police   modern   cities   losangeles   lapd   steam-workshop   citiesskylines   low-poly-model   los-angeles   steam_workshop   cities_skylines   building-modern   luminou   cities-skyline   cities_pdx   building-design   cities_pdx-s   citiesksylines   cities-skylines-citiesskylines   architecture   low-poly   lowpoly   building   cities-skylines   workshop   steam   steamworkshop   cities_skylines-s   los-angeles-city   noai (c) 2017-2021