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  Kupat Tahu (Indonesian vegan Food) 3D Model
Kupat Tahu (Indonesian vegan Food) 3d model
Kupat Tahu (Indonesian vegan Food)
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Model's Description:

Kupat Tahu (Indonesian vegan Food) 3d model contains 8,679 polygons and 4,413 vertices.

This is one of the most popular (mostly vegan) indonesian food called Kupat Tahu. would recommend you trying eating this. very delicious. ingredients: •Tofu •Ketupat (made of Rice) •Peanutbutter •Bean sprouts •Brownsugar •Salt •Glassnoodles •coconutmilk - Kupat Tahu (Indonesian vegan Food) - 3D model by Perfekx
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  food   indonesia   yummy   vegan   culinary   indonesia-culture-heritage   food3dmodel   healthy-food   indonesianfood   healthylifestyle   kupattahu   musttry (c) 2017-2021