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  Kolođvar Fort, Croatia 3D Model
Kolođvar Fort, Croatia 3d model
Kolođvar Fort, Croatia
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Model's Description:

Kolođvar Fort, Croatia 3d model contains 755,472 polygons and 379,074 vertices.

3D model of Kolođvar Fort, Croatia. Recorded on 15. 3. 2020. Kolođvar is a medieval fort located in eastern Croatia, in the surrounding area of Osijek, about 4km to the south of Čepin. It is first mentioned sometime during the 13th century, when it served as a Korogy family estate. It was demolished and then abandoned in the first half of the 16th century by the Ottoman conquest of Hungary, after which the fort lost it’s primary role. It was in a pretty bad shape until the 20th century, when its value was recognised and its first restoration happened. There are several folk legends connected to it, and in recent times, it served as a centerpoint of a local medieval festival (Return of the knights to fortress Kolođvar)
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Keywords:  fort   medieval   ottoman   austro-hungarian   orthophotography (c) 2017-2021