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  Kaelthas Sunstrider Armor 3D Model
Kaelthas Sunstrider Armor 3d model
Kaelthas Sunstrider Armor
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Model's Description:

Kaelthas Sunstrider Armor 3d model contains 22,046 polygons and 11,170 vertices.

In this study I tried to make an armor based on the character Kael from Wow, it was my first more complex model in handpainted painting, I really liked the process, and I hope you like the result. Kael’thas “Kael” Sunstrider was the Prince of Quel’Thalas, the last of the House of Sunstrider, as well as a senior member of the Kirin Tor. After the fall of Quel’Thalas, Kael’thas led what remained of his people, the sin’dorei, in the service of the Alliance. Striving to placate his people’s addiction to magic, he later covertly allied with Illidan Stormrage, but betrayed him to the Burning Legion when its master, the demon lord Kil’jaeden, enticed Kael with the promise of salvation for the blood elves. Special thanks to Luana Bueno, for all the handpainted lessons and feedback - Kael'thas Sunstrider Armor - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Matheus Elias (@Tuteupai)
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  armor   sunstrider   handpainted   stylized   wow   kael   noai   kaelthas (c) 2017-2021