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  Ice Cube with Condensation 3D Model
Ice Cube with Condensation 3d model
Ice Cube with Condensation
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Model's Description:

Ice Cube with Condensation 3d model contains 58,286 polygons and 30,049 vertices.

This Ice Cube is perfect for decorating any beverage or cold scene. The mesh has water drops on the exterior for extra detail which can easily be seperated. The mesh is viewable from all angles and distacnes. This Includes: The mesh (Ice Cube 1,014 Vertices, Water Droplets 30,049 Vertices) 2K texture Set (Albedo, Roughness, Normal, Height) The color albedo is not necessary but there if you want colored ice cubes The mesh is UV Unwrapped for easy retexturing - Ice Cube with Condensation - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Desertsage
Model's Textures: (2)

    N Texture #1
    R Texture #2
Keywords:  cube   winter   ice   prop   snow   summer   beverage   2k   water   frozen   melting   melt   ice-cube   water-droplets (c) 2017-2021