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  HyperCasual Animated Characters Pack (Rigged) 3D Model
HyperCasual Animated Characters Pack (Rigged) 3d model
HyperCasual Animated Characters Pack (Rigged)
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Model's Description:

HyperCasual Animated Characters Pack (Rigged) 3d model contains 51,991 polygons and 27,183 vertices.

Prepare to embark on a pixelated adventure like no other with our “HyperCasual Animated Game Characters Pack” on Sketchfab. This whimsical collection of game characters catapults you into the vibrant world of hypercasual gaming, where fun reigns supreme, and creativity knows no bounds. Whether you’re a game developer, a pixel artist, a casual gamer, or just someone with a penchant for playful pixel art, this pack is your ticket to a digital carnival where characters dance to the rhythm of fun. Polycounts: Vertices: 27.1 k Triangles: 51.9 k Thank you
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
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