Herman Miller Aeron Chair Low Poly transparency 3D Model |
Model's Description: Herman Miller Aeron Chair Low Poly transparency 3d model contains 113,574 polygons and 59,840 vertices. This was an original model from the manufacturer, re-modeled and simplified down to 4 surfaces, 2 materials, and 3 draw calls according to glTF modelviewer.dev. This uploaded file is 10,345 Kb, but there is also a smaller version with Draco Mesh compression and KTX textures compressed from Gestaltor for reduced file size of 5111 Kb. Had to make the transparent mapped seat cover mesh it’s own material to avoid Z-buffer errors, so this doubled the number of textures to 6 1k textures, 2 jpeg, 4 png,, was v10 with updated mesh texture |
Model's Textures: (11) A Texture #1 N Texture #2 N Texture #3 RGB Texture #4 RGB Texture #5 R Texture #6 R Texture #7 R Texture #8 R Texture #9 R Texture #10 R Texture #11 |
Keywords: furniture3d chair |
models.ripper@gmail.com |