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  Handpainted cube, CGMA week 1 3D Model
Handpainted cube, CGMA week 1 3d model
Handpainted cube, CGMA week 1
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Model's Description:

Handpainted cube, CGMA week 1 3d model contains 12 polygons and 8 vertices.

This is for Asheligh Warner’s CGMA Creating Stylized Game Assets for Winter 2023. Week 1: Handpainted cubes. It’s designed to be viewed from a very limited camera angle. I’m so excited to join CGMA classes ^_^ - Handpainted cube, CGMA week 1 - 3D model by Enkarra
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  cube   prop   vending   fridge   cgma   vending-machine   handpainted   stylized (c) 2017-2021