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  Hand painted Wood-Fence 3D Model
Hand painted Wood-Fence 3d model
Hand painted Wood-Fence
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Model's Description:

Hand painted Wood-Fence 3d model contains 336 polygons and 225 vertices.

A modular wooden fence, heavily stylized, low poly and hand painted. I was trying to go for a “World of Warcraft” inspired, simple style. The downloadable .zip file contains optimized LOD groups, ready to use in any game engine! All fences share one texture. Albedo only
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  fence   lod   prop   mmorpg   mmo   worldofwarcraft   optimized   lods   gamereadyasset   woodenfence   handpainted   gameasset   stylized   handpainted-lowpoly   gameready (c) 2017-2021