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  Hair Male 3D Model
Hair Male 3d model
Hair Male
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Model's Description:

Hair Male 3d model contains 29,748 polygons and 22,644 vertices.

Hairstyle for your 3d character! GEOMETRY: The haircut is made with quad polygon geometry, a.k.a hair cards. The hair geometry is meticulously constructed with a single edge flowing through the center for easy rigging and intuitive spline manipulation. TEXTURES:(4096x4096):     o - used to simulate Ambient Occlusion effect     z - used to simulate Unreal’s Pixel Depth Offset effect     flow - used to control the direction of reflection normal     id - used for cross-strand color variation     op - used to manipulate opacity or alpha     root - used for gradual root coloring along the flow of the strand     base - Base texture The textures are compatible with the new Smart Hair system within Reallusion Character Creator, which is made to be used with both UnrealEngine and Unity. EXTRA: The hairstyle also includes the scalp geometry and textures to prevent the skin from peaking through the hair strands thus creating an unrealistic-looking hairstyle. Happy characterizing! **NOTES: * Head not included - Hair Male - 002 - 3D model by Scanlab Photogrammetry Inc. (@scanlabstudio)
Model's Textures: (7)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
Keywords:  hair   haircut   hairstyle   character   man   male (c) 2017-2021