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  Grocery store 3D Model
Grocery store 3d model
Grocery store
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Model's Description:

Grocery store 3d model contains 2,034 polygons and 1,124 vertices.

Low poly 3D model of the Russian environment from Loginovsky Denis (denlog). This and my other models were created in 3ds max version 2017. Textures included are also created from my own photos and free images from the Internet. Page on Boosty where you can directly buy my models and support the author: My group in Vkontakte is: - Grocery store - 3D model by Denis Loginovskiy (@denlog2)
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  exterior   russia   supermarket   outdoor   denlog   building   shop (c) 2017-2021