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  French soldier from WW2 ready for animation 425 3D Model
French soldier from WW2 ready for animation 425 3d model
French soldier from WW2 ready for animation 425
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Model's Description:

French soldier from WW2 ready for animation 425 3d model contains 78,476 polygons and 39,238 vertices.

This is a true human size and detailed model of a French partisan character from 1940s. All props and suit are original. The model is captured in the A-pose with mesh ready for rigging and animation in all most usable 3d software. Technical specifications: digital double scan model low-poly model high-poly model (.ztl tool with 5-6 subdivisions) clean and retopologized automatically via ZRemesher fully quad topology sufficiently clean edge Loops based ready for subdivision 8K texture color map non-overlapping UV map ready for animation PBR textures 8K resolution: Normal, Displacement, Albedo maps Download package includes a Cinema 4D project file with Redshift shader, OBJ, FBX, STL files, which are applicable for 3ds Max, Maya, Unreal Engine, Unity, Blender, etc. All the textures you will find in the “Tex” folder, included into the main archive. 3D EVERYTHING Stand with Ukraine! - French soldier from WW2 ready for animation 425 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by deep3dstudio
Model's Textures: (5)

    RGB Texture #1
    R Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    undefined Texture #4
    undefined Texture #5
Keywords:  french   archviz   scanning   ww2   warrior   soldier   people   pose   standing   army   unreal   guard   equipment   obj   infantry   fbx   combat   uniform   1940s   quality   partisan   ukraine   ztl   apose   readyforanimation   ready-to-use   realitycapture   character   unity   game   pbr   lowpoly   helmet   3dscan   man   military   war   highpoly   gameready   "person"   "ready-to-rig"   "standwithukraine" (c) 2017-2021