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  Freddys Claw 3D Model
Freddys Claw 3d model
Freddys Claw
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Model's Description:

Freddys Claw 3d model contains 10,003 polygons and 5,050 vertices.

The claw is in one UV, however in the set version it will combine with other UV to save space. A bit early for Halloween, but I will gradually put up his component as days goes by until Oct 31st. The claw is designed as a accessory for all, so though there are holes in the original design. I didn’t make them due to skin color variation. In case anyone wants to use them on different characters. The finger is mainly made out of bronze, steel pivot, and welded steel for claw. Heavy stains and rust are added, consider how freddy died and where he last ends up. The leather is considerably stained with blood while I felt the metal would be cleaner. The claw is the most component heavy, so I expect a easier production time from here. 2021/09/27 - Freddy's Claw - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Armored Interactive (@ychiang6)
Model's Textures: (5)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  jason   claw   metal   freddy   2021   halloween (c) 2017-2021