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  Food Stand 3D Model
Food Stand 3d model
Food Stand
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Model's Description:

Food Stand 3d model contains 394,204 polygons and 204,466 vertices.

Food Stand - Cart 4 Polycount: Accesories (coffee condiment organizer, advertising stand, cashier machine and kettles): Polys: 195871, Verts: 193952 Just the Food Stand: Polys: 11334, Verts: 10488 Textures Included: 5 different woods 2 Floor Banner (one with ‘’your design here’’ text and another just with the blackboard background) Top Banner Brushed Steel (Kettle) Cream lid 2 Side Banners (one with ‘’Coffee’’ text and another just with the blackboard background) Sugar bag IMPORTANT NOTES: This model does not include materials, but they are on separate objects, so you can assign your own easily. Just the parts with texture have Unwrapped UVs Model units are on meters. If you have any questions about this model, you can send us a message
Model's Textures: (8)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    RGB Texture #7
    RGB Texture #8
Keywords:  drink   food   cafe   wheels   stand   coffee   restaurant   other   exterior   cart   display   sign   beverage   eat   soda   chalk   catering   cashier   wood   street   steel (c) 2017-2021