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  Folland Gnat 3D Model
Folland Gnat 3d model
Folland Gnat
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Model's Description:

Folland Gnat 3d model contains 263,038 polygons and 135,065 vertices.

The Folland Gnat is a British compact swept-wing subsonic fighter aircraft that was developed and produced by Folland Aircraft. Envisioned as an affordable light fighter in contrast to the rising cost and size of typical combat aircraft, it was procured as a trainer aircraft for the Royal Air Force (RAF) as well as by export customers, who used the Gnat in both combat and training capacities. Photogrammetry Scan - Folland Gnat - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by blackfirefilms
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  fighter   bomber   raf   trainer   aircraft   jet   coldwar   gnat   war   folland (c) 2017-2021