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  Festuca Mairei ornamental grass (15 plants) 3D Model
Festuca Mairei ornamental grass (15 plants) 3d model
Festuca Mairei ornamental grass (15 plants)
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Model's Description:

Festuca Mairei ornamental grass (15 plants) 3d model contains 833,679 polygons and 896,255 vertices.

A set of 15 plants for exterior archviz, for someone, who needs highly detailed models, with geometry based on mesh instead of alpha maps. Model created in Blender 3.0, with basic tools so it woorks with previous versions. Checked with latest stabile wersion of 2.83. based on Festuca Mairei in autumn vegetation state UV-unwrapped mesh based on quads custom, baked textures File organized for use with particle system and for linking objects - it contains colection with all 15 pieces, and individual collection for every plant (for linking) additional formats: fbx, obj, dae native Blender file, and textures in other formats folder - Festuca Mairei ornamental grass (15 plants) - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by marcin_malcherek
Model's Textures: (8)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    R Texture #7
    R Texture #8
Keywords:  plant   grass   garden   bush   bushes   gardening   festuca   mairei   ornamental-grass   decorative-grass (c) 2017-2021