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  Ferrari 488 Gtb restyled racing car 3D Model
Ferrari 488 Gtb restyled racing car 3d model
Ferrari 488 Gtb restyled racing car
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Model's Description:

Ferrari 488 Gtb restyled racing car 3d model contains 135,788 polygons and 72,580 vertices.

Pretty detailed but not very accurate 3d model of ferrari 488 gtb racing car restyled,was created in blender 3d 2.77 version.Rendering previews created with cycles rendering engine.Most of the objects are detached and named by object and by material.There is only one uv map texture for front grills projected from front view.There are no interior objects for this product.Model rendered with subdivision 2,until my 3d model exported with subdiv 1.Enjoy my product. obj file verts: 71629 polys: 135788 3ds file verts: 407364 polys: 135788 Checked with GLC viewer - Ferrari 488 Gtb restyled racing car - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by koleos3d
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
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