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  Factory Units 2 3D Model
Factory Units 2 3d model
Factory Units 2
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Model's Description:

Factory Units 2 3d model contains 989,612 polygons and 500,587 vertices.

Get pack - 20 pieces middle poly factory units include max(2018), blend(2.8) , fbx, obj and stl files clean quad and close mesh without UW map, textures and materials total poly - 533968 total vert - 500608 - Factory Units 2 - 20 pieces - 3D model by 3d.armzep
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  power   pipe   gas   oil   platform   transformer   motor   tube   conditioner   manufacture   pipeline   refinery   collect   kitbash   compensator   factory   modular   electric   industrial   environment (c) 2017-2021