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  Dusty Fork Lift 3D Model
Dusty Fork Lift 3d model
Dusty Fork Lift
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Model's Description:

Dusty Fork Lift 3d model contains 90,122 polygons and 57,958 vertices.

A decimated cleaner version of an old rusty and dusty fork lift. This came out after a massive raw photogrammetry scan I did a while ago, I reprocessed it focusing more on the lift itself and with a slightly different method and set of photos (1600 x45MP photos). There is a little bonus, a shovel just hanging there, I decided to keep it. 2x 8K textures, diffuse de-lighed, occlusion and normals from a 50M poly version Personally I think a somewhat higher poly count would be better, let me know if it’s something you’d like to see
Model's Textures: (8)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
    R Texture #8
Keywords:  lift   storage   rust   forklift   rusty   fork   dust   3dscanning   old   photoscanning   dusty   shovel   8k   photoscan   photogrammetry   lowpoly   scan   3dscan   gameasset   industrial   dismissed (c) 2017-2021