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  Drege Robo 3D Model
Drege Robo 3d model
Drege Robo
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Drege Robo 3d model contains 42,684 polygons and 23,583 vertices.

A model of a robot lion (or could it be a tiger?). Product Features: - Approx 24,427 polygons. - Made entirely with 3 and 4 point polygons. - Includes group information, which your software should interpret as separate parts, which includes: – All 4 legs, Head, Ears, Tail sections - Although the model includes these parts, this version of the model is not rigged. - Includes logically named materials, such as Windows and Main Texture. - The model has basic UV mapping and textures (in jpg format) are included, at 2048x2048 pixels. Original model created by Moscowich80. Uploaded for sale here with her full permission
Model's Textures: (3)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
Keywords:  tiger   mech   mechanical   lion   character   robot (c) 2017-2021