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  Drafting Table 3D Model
Drafting Table 3d model
Drafting Table
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Drafting Table 3d model contains 8,524 polygons and 4,294 vertices.

A simple rustic antique drafting Table. The Drafting Table is different from the Drafting Desk in that it doesnt tilt, and instead the user stands over top of the design, or uses a stool. The textures are 4K, and ready for a PBR work flow. The desk itself is optimized with no unnecesary geometry. The original design is from a highschool shop class project back in the 1950’s, and the desk resides in my studio
Model's Textures: (3)

    RGB Texture #1
    R Texture #2
    R Texture #3
Keywords:  standing   desk   architect   historical   antique   table   metal   large   highschool   drafting   1950s   brutalist   cozy   architecture   game   pbr   design   wood   industrial   gameready   shop-class (c) 2017-2021