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  Discus Checkerboard Red Map 3D Model
Discus Checkerboard Red Map 3d model
Discus Checkerboard Red Map
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Discus Checkerboard Red Map 3d model contains 2,698 polygons and 1,402 vertices.

Before purchasing this model, you can free download Emperor Angelfish and try to import it. The realistic fish model “Discus Checkerboard Red Map” Loop animation 0-800 frames This Discus was created in Maya includes 3 type of textures (albedo, metallic, normal). Dear Blender Users If you have any problems importing into a Blender, please email me, this problem is solved. To contact me use the link in the top right corner of my main Sketchfab page (LinkedIn or Behance)
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  fish   red   discus   tropical   river   underwater   beauty   coral   ocean   aquarium   bay   discusfish   freshwater   checkerboard   aquarium-fish   sea (c) 2017-2021