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  Cute Froggy at the Pond Figurine 3D Model
Cute Froggy at the Pond Figurine 3d model
Cute Froggy at the Pond Figurine
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Cute Froggy at the Pond Figurine 3d model contains 162,196 polygons and 81,633 vertices.

My very first project. When I was working on this project, I’d get stuck because of limited blender knowledge, so I would shelve it and come back to it when learned more. I had moments where I regreted starting this project but the result turned out good, pretty proud of it
Model's Textures: (4)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
Keywords:  cute   flower   frog   pond   lilly   water   nature   kawaii   adorable   anphibian   cattails   character   creature   animal (c) 2017-2021