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  Cour carrée, Louvre Museum 3D Model
Cour carrée, Louvre Museum 3d model
Cour carrée, Louvre Museum
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Model's Description:

Cour carrée, Louvre Museum 3d model contains 982,023 polygons and 490,902 vertices.

The Cour Carrée (Square Court) is one of the main courtyards of the Louvre Museum. It was the palace for the kings and queens from 1546 until 1682 (Louis XIV chose Versailles). Reconstructed with Reality Capture without drone (368 images). 8K + 16k textures (diffuse and normal)
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  france   paris   louvre   landmark   3dscanning   museum   capturingreality   louvre-museum   photoscan   realitycapture   photogrammetry   3dscan   building (c) 2017-2021