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  Coronation Crown of France 3D Model
Coronation Crown of France 3d model
Coronation Crown of France
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Model's Description:

Coronation Crown of France 3d model contains 171,876 polygons and 86,835 vertices.

Coronation Crown of France The coronation crown of France was created by King Philippe Auguste in the 13th century.The red tiara was added later by King Jean II to show the religious power of the king. The crown was melted by the Catholic League in 1590 and replaced by the queen’s crown, which was very similar but without a tiara. The queen’s crown was destroyed during the French Revolution. Recreation mainly based on H. Pinoteau’s work. What’s inside? The crown and the tiara as 2 independent meshes. So you can freely use the crown without the tiara. 1 Texture set (1k/2k/4k) Optional masks to let you make adjustments depending on your render engine: 1 mask for velvet 4 masks for gemstones (Rubies/Sapphires/Emeralds/All gems) 1 special opacity texture for gemstones. Only created for the Sketchfab viewer but you may find it useful. - Coronation Crown of France - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Mikaël Sévère (@msevere)
Model's Textures: (7)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
Keywords:  france   hat   jewellery   ancient   princess   ruby   jewel   jewelry   medieval   crystal   crown   diamond   coronation   queen   kingdom   middle   emerald   king   gems   sapphire   prince   tiara   ages   gemstone   saphire   gold (c) 2017-2021