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  Concrete Pipe Pots With White Flowers 3D Model
Concrete Pipe Pots With White Flowers 3d model
Concrete Pipe Pots With White Flowers
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Model's Description:

Concrete Pipe Pots With White Flowers 3d model contains 27,546 polygons and 31,482 vertices.

Here are some concrete pipe pots with white flowers. Parts: Object Name - Concrete_pot_800mm_White_Flower_1 Dimensions - 1.014m x 1.001m x 1.110m Vertices = 4417 Polygons = 2689 Object Name - Concrete_pot_800mm_White_Flower_2 Dimensions - 0.964m x 1.011m x 0.980m Vertices = 2946 Polygons = 2094 Object Name - Concrete_pot_1000mm_White_Flower_1 Dimensions - 1.265m x 1.177m x 1.160m Vertices = 5576 Polygons = 3279 Object Name - Concrete_pot_1000mm_White_Flower_2 Dimensions - 1.117m x 1.131m x 1.008m Vertices = 3904 Polygons = 2628 Object Name - Concrete_pot_1500mm_White_Flower_1 Dimensions - 1.621m x 1.607m x 1.156m Vertices = 8889 Polygons = 4838 Object Name - Concrete_pot_1500mm_White_Flower_2 Dimensions - 1.500m x 1.500m x 1.008m Edges = 8276 Polygons = 3572 Modeled and textured by 3DHaupt in Blender-2.91 - Concrete Pipe Pots With White Flowers - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by VIS-All-3D (@VIS-All)
Model's Textures: (8)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    N Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
    R Texture #8
Keywords:  plant   pipe   grass   flora   white   pots   growth   concrete   flowers   gardening   pot-plant   3dhaupt   pbr   blender3d   concrete-ring (c) 2017-2021