Coffin of Akhenaten, Tomb KV55 3D Model |
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Model's Description: Coffin of Akhenaten, Tomb KV55 3d model contains 149,999 polygons and 76,268 vertices. Coffin of the Pharaoh Akenaten in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt. This coffin was recovered from a tomb in the Valley of the Kings in what has been designated Tomb KV55. The tomb was discovered by Edward R. Ayrton in 1907 while working for the wealthy American Theodore M. Davis. The tomb has been controversial since it’s discovery, originally being designated the burial of Queen Tiye. It has now been shown through DNA analysis that the remains found in the tomb are those of Akenaten himself. The DNA has further demonstrated that Akhenaten was the father of Tutankhamen (King Tut). The face of the coffin and the name in the cartouche have been deliberately removed in an attempt to condemn the “heretic” pharaoh in the afterlife and erase his memory. Information on the tomb can be found here. A scan of another artifact from the tomb can be seen here. Created using 138 photographs (Canon EOS Rebel T5i) using Metashape 1.3 |
Model's Textures: (1) RGB Texture #1 |
Keywords: egypt nefertiti coffin tut amarna cairo tutankhamun akhenaten valley_of_kings 18th-dynasty king-tut cairo-museum | |