Classic Maya drinking cup for atol 3D Model |
Model's Description: Classic Maya drinking cup for atol 3d model contains 200,000 polygons and 101,698 vertices. This exquisite drinking cup for atol in the collection of the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame (cat. # 1982.053) is adorned along the rim with jaguar prints on the inside and hieroglyphs on the outside. The previously unpublished inscription is one of the finest examples of seventh-century Maya caligraphy and contains rare variants of number 9 and TZ’AK. There are no personal names or place names. The text only states that the cup belonged to “the artisan of the eternal lord”. The orthography of the inscription is rather unusual: the scribe apparently tried to arrange the text so that it would consist of 20 characters in 11 segments (blocks) with an extra visual emphasis on the word “eternal (bolon tz’akbuul)”. One can speculate that the cup was painted for the celebration of the 11th 20-year period-ending in 652 C.E |
Model's Textures: (2) RGB Texture #1 RGB Texture #2 |
Keywords: ceramics calendar epigraphy hieroglyphics metashape agisoft maya snite-museum-of-art | |