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  Chiliz or CHZ Crypto Coin with cartoon style 3D Model
Chiliz or CHZ Crypto Coin with cartoon style 3d model
Chiliz or CHZ Crypto Coin with cartoon style
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Model's Description:

Chiliz or CHZ Crypto Coin with cartoon style 3d model contains 14,144 polygons and 7,275 vertices.

3D Chiliz or CHZ Silver Crypto Coin with cartoon style Made in Blender 3.3.1 This model does include a TEXTURE, DIFFUSE, METALLIC, AND ROUGHNESS MAP, but if you want to change the color you can change it in the blend file, just use the principled bsdf and play with the Roughness, Metallic, and Base Color parameter
Model's Textures: (3)

    A Texture #1
    A Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
Keywords:  coin   football   bitcoin   token   currency   crypto   worldcup   illustration   exchange   metaverse   chz   cryptocurrency   blockchain   nft   cartoon   3d   technology   modelling   web3   chiliz (c) 2017-2021