Cerámica Sigillata Romana | Terra Sigillata 3D Model |
Model's Description: Cerámica Sigillata Romana | Terra Sigillata 3d model contains 224,252 polygons and 112,146 vertices. Este conjunto de piezas de cerámica pertenece a una de las producciones romanas más características: la terra sigillata, que se denomina así por el sello o sigillum con el que se marcaban. Se suelen caracterizar por ese color rojo coral brillante, con finos diseños y decoración lisa o en relieve, lo que hizo que se identificara como la vajilla de lujo romana de época altoimperial (s.I al III d.C.) This set of ceramic pieces belongs to one of the most characteristic Roman productions: the terra sigillata, which is named for the seal or sigillum with wich they were marked. They are usually characterized by that bright coral red color, with fine designs and smooth or embossed decoration, which made it identified as the Roman luxury tableware of the high imperial period (1st to 3rd centuries AD). Más información / More info: https://alveusxr.com/modelo/ceramica-sigillata-romana/ - Cerámica Sigillata Romana | Terra Sigillata - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by AlveusXR |
Model's Textures: (15) A Texture #1 A Texture #2 A Texture #3 N Texture #4 N Texture #5 N Texture #6 RGB Texture #7 RGB Texture #8 RGB Texture #9 R Texture #10 R Texture #11 R Texture #12 R Texture #13 R Texture #14 R Texture #15 |
Keywords: pottery roma ceramica |
models.ripper@gmail.com |