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  Cat Gas Mask 3D Model
Cat Gas Mask 3d model
Cat Gas Mask
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Model's Description:

Cat Gas Mask 3d model contains 670 polygons and 762 vertices.

The mask is based on a little girl’s post-apocalyptic gas mask, children usually like a cute animal mask similar to party masks but in her situation there is not much time for parties as she and her family are fighting for their lives. Her parents specially customized her absolute favourite mask to wear into a fully functional respirator and inhalator so she can wear it everyday, her parents did this to somewhat bring some normality and joy back into there daughters life, even with something as small as converting an old party mask
Model's Textures: (3)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
Keywords:  cat   gas   mask   maya   lowpoly   student (c) 2017-2021