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  Cartoon Low Poly City (Mini Pack) 3D Model
Cartoon Low Poly City (Mini Pack) 3d model
Cartoon Low Poly City (Mini Pack)
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Model's Description:

Cartoon Low Poly City (Mini Pack) 3d model contains 403,778 polygons and 214,924 vertices.

Check out finished version of the model! I made this mini city pack for the mobile game and decided to share. The pack is currently in development im planning to enlarge the amount of buildings and environmental props. I exported fbx files for each individual objects but I have Sketchfab free plan, i cant upload them seperated. All the assets are tested in Unity, you can use them in your game projects without permission. (Keep in mind: Models are not UV Unwrapped.) For any questions feel free to contact me: - Cartoon Low Poly City (Mini Pack) - Download Free 3D model by mertkilic
Model's Textures: (0)

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