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  Cartoon Circus Tent 2 3D Model
Cartoon Circus Tent 2 3d model
Cartoon Circus Tent 2
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Model's Description:

Cartoon Circus Tent 2 3d model contains 50,626 polygons and 27,492 vertices.

-Cartoon Circus Tent 2. -Vert: 25,524 poly: 24,827. -This product contains 94 objects. -Objects and materials have the correct names. -Real World Scale. -This product was created in Blender 2.935. -Formats: blend, fbx, obj, c4d, dae, abc, stl, glb,unity. -We hope you enjoy this model. -Thank you
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  arcade   toon   tent   clown   toy   flag   circus   fun   event   architectural   stage   party   park   festival   show   fair   carnival   funfair   tabernacle   cartoon   game (c) 2017-2021