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  Captain small beard and his loot 3D Model
Captain small beard and his loot 3d model
Captain small beard and his loot
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Model's Description:

Captain small beard and his loot 3d model contains 93,600 polygons and 49,462 vertices.

Captain small beard is the smallest pirate to ever sail the seven seas. Most of hise crew are 5 times his size.He grew up in that chest, took the chest with him and still slumbers every day in it till this day and probaly till he dies. His pirate mom always told him that he is the real treasure, so foolishly enough he always took that for holy and only stuffs himself in the chest. He really loves booze and lives in the booze storage of the ship. Where there is booze in all sizes for every pirate and captain smallbeard reading. His favourite thing to do is read books and drink booze just before going to bed. (He sleeps a lot). Entry for the August 2021 Sketchfab Treasure Chest Challenge - Captain small beard and his loot - 3D model by hugo colauto (@hugocolauto)
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  bed   bedroom   comic   sleeping   chest   books   candle   beard   treasure   coins   captain   stylised   loot   bottles   roses   treasurechest   cartooncharacter   booze   bookworm   stylizedcharacter   skull   pirate   pirates   treasurechestchallenge   noai (c) 2017-2021