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  Caltrop Space Mine 3D Model
Caltrop Space Mine 3d model
Caltrop Space Mine
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Model's Description:

Caltrop Space Mine 3d model contains 19,844 polygons and 3,897 vertices.

Textures are now complete! The CM-30 Caltrop is an unmanned vessel armed with a thermonuclear warhead. Its suite of precision sensors and powerful RCS motors allow it to chase down enemy spacecraft foolish enough to venture within its area of denial. The maneuvering thrusters are placed on long arms to increase their physical moment and provide more turning torque. When inactive, it folds to fit through a launch tube and to minimize its target profile. I’ve been inactive on Sketchfab recently, so I have quite a backlog of work for me to prepare and upload! Look forward to more soon
Model's Textures: (6)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
Keywords:  mine   bomb   satellite   nuke   astrokill   game   space (c) 2017-2021