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  Bronze Cat Head: Bolton Museum Collection 3D Model
Bronze Cat Head: Bolton Museum Collection 3d model
Bronze Cat Head: Bolton Museum Collection
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Model's Description:

Bronze Cat Head: Bolton Museum Collection 3d model contains 63,999 polygons and 32,797 vertices.

A small ancient Egyptian cat head made of a copper alloy from the collection of Bolton Library and Museum Services. The head is unprovenanced, but these objects are particularly well-attested at the sites of Bubastis and Saqqara. In ancient Egypt, the cat was associated with the goddess Bastet, and many objects like this were created to be given in offering at temples and necropoli. This cat head features pierced ears and finely detailed eyes which may have held some form of inlay. Accession Number: BOLMG:1969.8.A, Bolton Library and Museum Services Photography and Model Credit: Ian Trumble, Bolton Library and Museum Services Texture Refinement: Charlotte Sargent Produced as part of a training workshop for Museums of the North West Photogrammetry Hub: Building Virtual 3D Futures. Learn more here
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  cat   bastet   bast   ancient-egypt   saqqara   egyptian-goddess   egyptian-religion   ancient-egyptian   north-west-photogrammetry-hub   photogrammetry-hub   museums-of-the-north-west   bubastis (c) 2017-2021