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  Breathing Idle Animation Anatomy Muscle RIGED 3D Model
Breathing Idle Animation Anatomy Muscle RIGED 3d model
Breathing Idle Animation Anatomy Muscle RIGED
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Breathing Idle Animation Anatomy Muscle RIGED 3d model contains 41,554 polygons and 20,783 vertices.

Breathing Idle Animation Anatomy Male Muscle RIGED This is a complete character, with RIGGING bones ( skeleton ) , and with the LOOP animation of Breathing Idle, which also includes a 4K texture and a 2K normalmap
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    R Texture #2
Keywords:  body   skeleton   anatomy   system   rigging   muscle   muscles   rig   medicine   breathing   anatomical   skeletal   tendon   idle   tendons   animation   medical   human   rigged (c) 2017-2021