Bonzini Foosball Table 3D Model |
Model's Description: Bonzini Foosball Table 3d model contains 122,276 polygons and 61,161 vertices. Foosball is one of the best anti-stress therapies used in our studio. It lets us forget about that awful customer, a terrible scan or just kill time during long computation times. This particular table has seen and survived a lot, Bonzini have designed something truly amazing. Scanned using Photogrammetry from about 800 images and reconstructed in Reality Capture. Animated in 3dsMax. - Bonzini Foosball Table - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Rigsters |
Model's Textures: (3) RGB Texture #1 R Texture #2 R Texture #3 |
Keywords: foosball football 3dscanning tabletop-game realitycapture photogrammetry game 3dscan animation table-football foosball-table | |