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  Bones of the hand 3D Model
Bones of the hand 3d model
Bones of the hand
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Model's Description:

Bones of the hand 3d model contains 415,228 polygons and 207,674 vertices.

This hand sculpt is shown along side the bones of the hand to help you get an understanding of the main forms of the hand and understand how the bones contribute to the hand’s over all shape. To get the most from this turntable Find a view that you are intrested in and let the animation play or scrub through it yourself to rotate the hands and compare the structures. The bones of the fingers are colour coded by type: pink - distal phalanges blue - middle phlanges yellow - proximal phlanges red - metacarpals The carpals are coloured randomly so as they can be differentiated, with the ulna and radius in blue below them. I made this sculpt as part of a tutorial I am doing on the anatomy of th hand, once it is done I will be posting it up on my website
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  skeleton   anatomy   ecorche   hand (c) 2017-2021