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  Asia Food Braised Sea Cucumber 3D Model
Asia Food Braised Sea Cucumber 3d model
Asia Food Braised Sea Cucumber
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Model's Description:

Asia Food Braised Sea Cucumber 3d model contains 9,516 polygons and 4,786 vertices.

Hi~ It is a Asia food_Braised sea cucumber It has 4860 Polys and 4822 Vertex. It can be used in game,VR,AR,CG. It have 5 textures(PBR) 2048*2048 size BaseColor1 Ao1 Metallic1 Normal1 Roughness*1 Display pics use Marmoset Toolbag to render. I hope you like it~ Thank you.If you have any question , please tell me
Model's Textures: (5)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  cg   asia   dinner   breakfast   vr   meal   ar   snack   chinese   lunch   cucumber   onion   cauliflower   game   pbr   sea   seacucumber   tawian (c) 2017-2021