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  Armor Tactical Vest 3D Model
Armor Tactical Vest 3d model
Armor Tactical Vest
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Armor Tactical Vest 3d model contains 2,778 polygons and 1,391 vertices.

Armor Tactical Vest for games with low poligons Statistic: Vertices - 1391 Edges - 2780 Faces - 1386 Triangles - 2778 Pack: Textures - normals, basecolor, height, metallic, roughness. Model - obj, blend. YOU CAN BUY THIS MODEL on the (3dexport) website by writing to VEST search - Armor Tactical Vest - low poly - 3D model by xtach (@kirillfill2003)
Model's Textures: (2)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  armor   vest   millitary   tactical   forgames   lowpolymodel   blender   texture   lowpoly (c) 2017-2021