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  Apple iPhone 15 Collection v2 3D Model
Apple iPhone 15 Collection v2 3d model
Apple iPhone 15 Collection v2
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Model's Description:

Apple iPhone 15 Collection v2 3d model contains 486,686 polygons and 255,507 vertices.

Realistic (copy) 3d model Apple iPhone 15 and 15 Plus and 15 Pro and 15 Pro MAX v2. This set: 4 file obj standard 4 file 3ds Max 2013 vray material 4 file 3ds Max 2013 corona material 4 file of 3Ds 4 file e3d full set of materials. 4 file cinema 4d standard. 4 file blender cycles. Topology of geometry: forms and proportions of The 3D model the geometry of the model was created very neatly there are no many-sided polygons detailed enough for close-up renders the model optimized for turbosmooth modifier Not collapsed the turbosmooth modified apply the Smooth modifier with a parameter to get the desired level of detail Organization of scene: to all objects and materials real world size (system units - mm) coordinates of location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0) does not contain extraneous or hidden objects (lights, cameras, shapes etc.) - Apple iPhone 15 Collection v2 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by madMIX
Model's Textures: (7)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    RGB Texture #7
Keywords:  imac   pro   iphone   ipad   apple   smart   silver   oled   s   plus   gray   smartphone   phone   max   15   cellphone   telephone   se   glass   mobile   black   space   2023 (c) 2017-2021