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  Aphrodite, called "Hera Borghese" 3D Model
Aphrodite, called "Hera Borghese" 3d model
Aphrodite, called "Hera Borghese"
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Model's Description:

Aphrodite, called "Hera Borghese" 3d model contains 402,342 polygons and 201,724 vertices.

Aphrodite, called “Hera Borghese”. Monte Calvo, 2nd century A.D., Marble, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). The statue represents the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, whose garment has slipped down from her shoulder. This is a Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze statue of the Classical Period, of which there are several versions
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  greek   sculpture   robot (c) 2017-2021