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  Antique Victorian Bookcase with horse top 3D Model
Antique Victorian Bookcase with horse top 3d model
Antique Victorian Bookcase with horse top
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Model's Description:

Antique Victorian Bookcase with horse top 3d model contains 26,806 polygons and 14,454 vertices.

This is my interpretation of an old, vintage or antique looking Victorian or Edwardian bookcase or bookshelf. Usually the top is made as an ornament but I thought a couple of horse heads facing each other would give it something more interesting. The challenge with this model was to use a single non-overlapping UV map with a single texture set, and also not to use more than 5 edges per vertex. This model is fully textured in PBR and is suitable to be used in games, animations and advertising, it goes well but is not limited to vintage, Victorian, old, antique, WW1, WW2, noir and fantasy settings. This model can be purchased at: -link removed- -link removed- - Antique Victorian Bookcase with horse top - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by glenfx
Model's Textures: (5)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  victorian   edwardian   antique   furniture   bookcase   old   cgtrader   bookshelf   interiordesign   interior-design   cubebrush   unity   pbr   lowpoly   horse (c) 2017-2021